Eating Disorder Therapy
Are You Having Trouble Getting Access To A Proper Eating Disorder Therapist?
Maybe you've thought about reaching out for help but you're afraid to. Perhaps the idea of recovery is frightening to you, or maybe you're scared to uncover who you are without your disorder.
If you suffer from anorexia nervosa, you may restrict, weigh check, overexercise, count calories, and feel that thoughts about food and weight are controlling your life. You most likely view yourself as overweight, even if you are drastically underweight.
On the other hand, you may be experiencing bulimia nervosa, characterized by episodes of eating abnormally large quantities of food and experiencing a lack of control during these periods. These episodes might be followed by vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, or excessive exercise to eliminate or “work off” the consumed calories.
In addition to these disorders, there’s also binge eating disorder. Individuals with binge eating disorder (BED) often consume large amounts of food in a short period, feeling a loss of control during these episodes. These binges are usually accompanied by feelings of guilt and shame afterward (1).
Treating any eating disorder requires the right care and a collaborative care team to address the physical and emotional aspects of the disorder. Whether you or a loved one struggle with known eating disorders, have issues with over-exercising, or grapple with body image issues, finding a knowledgeable and certified eating disorder counselor is crucial.
Regardless of whatever disorder you might have, any eating disorder is harmful and should be treated with therapy. The focus of eating disorder therapy is to uncover the issues that lie below the surfaces of the eating disorder and restore your relationship with food and body.

Eating Disorders Come With Many Physical Health Concerns And Complications
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa encompass more than just trying to avoid calories. In the case of anorexia nervosa, you may experience symptoms that impact your appearance, including brittle hair and nails, dry and yellow-tinged skin, and the growth of fine hairs all over your body. Additionally, the disorder can directly affect your health by causing constipation, low blood pressure, and slowed breathing and pulse. Bulimia nervosa may lead to acid reflux, dehydration, swollen glands, and a chronic sore throat.
There is also ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), a rare eating disorder stemming from sensory sensitivities or traumatic food experiences. It can lead to the elimination of food groups and other health issues if left untreated (2).
Engaging in eating disorder therapy is essential to long-term recovery and reduced relapse rates. With the right help and support, you can begin your road to recovery.
28.8 Million Americans Will Have An Eating Disorder In Their Lifetimes
It’s no secret that eating disorders are an epidemic in the US today, especially among young people. One in three college athletes exhibit eating disorder tendencies, such as a preoccupation with weight and body dissatisfaction. It's important to note that eating disorders can affect individuals as young as five and as old as 80, and they can impact people of all races and genders (3).
Eating disorders are most prevalent in industrialized cultures where there is a strong emphasis on thinness, particularly in places where thinness is associated with success. Cultural norms significantly impact the standards perpetuated through social media, films, videos, and fashion, often portraying that "thin" women are more successful, earn more money, attract better partners, and secure better jobs.
In the United States, eating disorders will impact 6.6 million males at some point in their lives. However, due in large part to cultural and gender bias, they are much less likely to be assessed, diagnosed, and seek treatment for eating disorders. Nonetheless, there are many unrealistic cultural standards for men, as they are taught to embody a masculine physique and strive for a six-pack (3).
So why don’t more people get help when these disorders start affecting their health? The short answer is that most mental health professionals aren’t equipped to treat eating disorders since eating disorders are not just about food. The food issue is just the surface level, like the tip of the iceberg. The real healing needs to happen beneath the surface, where trauma, abuse, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and unresolved grief may reside. Treating an eating disorder is complex and usually involves a collaborative, team-based approach to treatment.
Therapy Can Help You Overcome Your Eating Disorder And Cultivate A Better Relationship With Food
Eating disorder treatment is about treating the underlying issues that keep the eating disorder alive. These issues could range from complex childhood trauma to developmental problems. As therapists, we will work to identify the issue's core, help you understand symptoms, and explore to what degree these symptoms impact your daily life. .
Long-term goals are established based on the severity of your eating disorder . Some patients require inpatient or hospitalization to stabilize medically before engaging in eating disorder outpatient treatment. For this reason, we always take the first session with you to assess the level of severity and provide necessary resources when needed.
Eating Disorder Treatment Methods
At Healing Journey, we primarily utilize Family Based Treatment (FBT), which is an evidence-based approach for treating eating disorders. FBT involves the patient's family members (parents or caregivers) and acknowledges that families are not responsible for their loved one's eating disorder. This understanding sets FBT apart from other treatment methods. Additionally, we offer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals understand and modify the distorted thinking patterns driving their behaviors and emotions
Moreover, our therapists may incorporate the use of the Clear Step app and Recovery Record app, which allow for the sharing of nutritional intake with therapists. It's important to note that all our therapists are EDIT (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy) trained and certified to effectively treat eating disorders. Additionally, our therapists are required to participate in continued education on the newest treatment modalities and medical implications.
Eating disorders can be successfully treated with early detection and specialized therapy. It's crucial to find a therapist who specializes in eating disorders as the treatment is complex and varies for each patient due to the multilayered nature of these disorders. Early intervention is key for a full recovery.
You May Be Interested In Eating Disorder Therapy But Have Some Questions…
How do I know if I need inpatient or outpatient treatment for my eating disorder?
If you are uncertain about the level of care you require, we encourage you to take advantage of our offer for a complimentary 15-minute consultation with an eating disorder therapist. This consultation will allow you to have a direct conversation with a professional who can help you understand your needs and guide you toward the most appropriate level of care.
I'm scared my therapist is going to make me gain weight.
Although weight gain is sometimes a part of the treatment plan, it's important to note that this is NOT our primary focus. Our main goal is to address the underlying issues that contribute to the continuation of your eating disorder and to help you improve the relationship you have with food. We aim to provide comprehensive care beyond just physical symptoms, and we prioritize our patients' mental and emotional well-being.
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
We understand that everyone's relationship with food is unique, and that's why we offer a free 15-minute consultation to better understand your individual needs and goals. During these consultations, we will take the time to listen to your concerns, discuss your relationship with food, and evaluate how we can best support you in achieving a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Are You Ready To Overcome Your Eating Disorder?
We always ask our patients, “What percentage of the day do you obsess and think about your next meal, calories, food, weight, exercise, or appearance?” If it’s more than 30%, it’s too much!
If you are ready to begin your healing journey, please call 888-959-6114 to set up a free 20-minute discovery call or click the schedule a consultation button below.
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